Bus service to the Konnarock, Green Cove, and Taylor's Valley area of Washington County Schools will run on a two hour delay on Monday, December 11, 2023.
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
schedule change
Patrick Henry High School French 1 students learned about French cuisine throughout the Francophone culture. They spent a week preparing an authentic menu for the country of their choice and prepared it in the target language along with putting together a "price fixed" menu. Each group presented at least (1) menu item to their peers and celebrated their hard work in learning about French cuisine! Switzerland- Chocolat Chaud (hot chocolate) & Alplernagronen (German mac & cheese dish) Belgium- Belgian Waffles Marseille (France)- Citron Presse Democratic Republic of the Congo- Congolese Chicken & Puff Puffs Monaco- Ice Cream Sundaes
8 months ago, Tina Osborne
Wednesday, December 6: Washington County VA Schools will operate on a regular schedule EXCEPT the Konnarock/Greencove/Taylor's Valley Community. This area will be on a TWO HOUR DELAY.
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
Washington County ITRTs, Thomas Larimer and Andrew Smith, represented the division in the #VSTE23 DEMO Jam and won 1st Place presenting about TECH TREK, the Mobile STEM Lab. Great job! #WCPSBest #WashingtonWay @WashcoVAschools @WashCoSuper
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
DEMO Jam competition
DEMO Jam competition
DEMO Jam competition
DEMO Jam competition
At the meeting last night, the @washcovaschools Board voted to close schools on March 5, 2024 to accommodate election officials as they administer the Presidential Primary. Not quite as exciting as a Snow Day, but still important information!
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
important announcement
Washington County School Board honored three board members tonight for decades of selfless service to the students of Washington County Schools. Thank you, Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe, Mrs.Megan Hamilton, and Mr. Bill Brooks for the work and dedication to the students of WCPS!
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
school board members honored
school board members honored
school board members honored
Washington County ITRTs and Teachers at #VSTE23 showing off innovative ways to enhance student learning with TECH TREK, the new Mobile STEM Lab. #WashingtonWay #WCPSBest @WashCoSuper
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
Washington County ITRTs and Teachers at #VSTE23 showing off innovative ways to enhance student learning with TECH TREK, the new Mobile STEM Lab. #WashingtonWay #WCPSBest @WashCoSuper
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
VSTE Conference
Parents, we know the holiday season can bring on additional stress. Parent Coaching is a FREE resource that provides parents and caregivers the opportunity to meet with a Parent Coach to guide you through whatever issues you or your child are dealing with. Click here to register for support from a coach: https://cookcenter.info/coaching
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
Coaching for Parents
Be sure to check out the December Edition of the Mental Health Newsletter: https://www.wcs.k12.va.us/article/1349633
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
Parent Guidance
Washington County Schools will be closed on Wednesday, November 22- Sunday, November 26th.
8 months ago, WCPS Central Office
School Is Closed
Patrick Henry High School's One Act team came in 3rd out of 8 teams this past weekend at the VHSL Super Regional One-Act Competition. Angel P. received another outstanding actor award. The crew of Lafayette No. 1 also received another outstanding technical theatre award in lighting, sound, set, costume, and makeup design. Congratulations to the cast and crew of Lafayette No. 1. What a great season of theatre at PH! Great job, team!
8 months ago, Tina Osborne
Cast and Crew
Don't miss Meet the Rebels!
9 months ago, Tammy Snapp
Meet the Rebels
These Patrick Henry students spent their Saturday helping Mrs. Johnson, of Communities in Schools, with snack packs for Mary's Lunchbox for PHHS and MES students.
9 months ago, Tina Osborne
Snack packs
Snack packs
Snack packs
Snack packs
Snack packs
Do you have any gently used shoes you don't wear or that don't fit? Meadowview Elementary School is collecting shoes to help other countries. Let's help them here at PH. If you bring shoes, drop them off in the main office or in the library.
9 months ago, Tina Osborne
Did you miss getting your school picture taken? Here is your second chance!
9 months ago, Tammy Snapp
Today Patrick Henry High School honored Veterans in our community through a heartfelt ceremony featuring our keynote speaker Mr. Kiser and several student volunteers. Our school community would like to thank all students, staff, and community members for attending and participating this morning and wish all Veterans a Happy Veterans Day!
9 months ago, Tina Osborne
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Don’t forget!!! This Saturday Night!!!!
9 months ago, WCPS Central Office
hhs bingo
Remember to come and help us honor our Veterans at our annual Veterans Day ceremony.
9 months ago, Tina Osborne
Veterans Day Flyer
We couldn’t be prouder of our @washcovaschools FFA Chapters! All 4 teams performed well against the best in the Nation! Over 65,000 student leaders attended from all across the USA! @NationalFFA recognized Mr. McCroskey for 48 years as a Teacher and Advisor! #TheWashingtonWay
9 months ago, WCPS Central Office
FFA conference
FFA Conference
ffa conference
ffa conference